Board of Directors

ICF Interstellar Community Foundation is proud to introduce you to our Board of Distinguished Directors.  The depth and breath of personal and professional experience gathered to shepherd our vision to the world secures our success.

DR. Edgar Mitchell

Founding Member

True to his journey, Dr. Edgar Mitchell contributed his focus prior to his passing in 2016.  We are so happy to have shared time and effort with Dr. Mitchell; his passion for his work, his family and staying the course of his own path was inspiring.  Dr. Mitchell helped us form ICF, he identified and helped articulate the vision of ICF, he was and will always be a integral part of the future of ICF. He is and will remain a founding member of our Board of Directors (Emeritus 1930-2016).

Thank you, Dr. Mitchell, thank you, to our Board of Directors, thank you to our members, and collaborators; thank you to all of our supporters around the world.

– Jeanne White Eagle

Jeanne White Eagle

Founding Member & Visionary

John B. Pehrson

Founding Member

Juan Carlos Kaiten

Board Member

Susan Manewich

Board Member


Barbara Marx Hubbard

Board Member (Posthumous)