Lawrence Bloom
Lawrence Bloom is currently Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Inter Governmental Organisation which advises, assists and enables in...
Eyes Open Gathering in Sweden: 2019
Eyes Open Gathering in Sweden "Joining Genius" was a favorite description and characteristic of the Emerging New Species of human as Barbara...
WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mt. Narryer Station, Western Australia – Late February, 2019 Purpose of trip, to explore possible land site for building...
SIXTO PAZ WELLS – Meeting in Peru – April 2019
Peru April 2019 SIXTO PAZ WELLS Purpose of trip, to meet SIXTO PAZ WELLS The visit to Peru was undertaken by Jeanne White Eagle, John Pehrson,...
Sixto Paz Wells
Sixto Paz Wells Sixto Paz Wells (Lima, Peru, December 12 1955) is an author and lecturer focused on the UFO phenomena, particularly alien...
Tribute to Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard – Img Credit – I remember the movie Gandhi and what Richard Attenborough said in the very beginning, that it...
ICF On Facebook
We've just added a new FACEBOOK FEED page on the site so you don't have to leave to get caught up on what's happening on our FB Page! Go to our new...
Ken Hamilton / HOPE Healing
H.O.P.E. Supportive Groups and Healing Circles A H.O.P.E. Group is a safe place in which we come together to find wellness by sharing our stories...
Makasha & Katharine Roske / Hummingbird Community
Nestled in a valley among the Aspens, Cottonwoods, and Ponderosa Pines in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico, rests a a...
Xuihtezcatl Martinez / Earth Guardians
We are a tribe of young activists, artists and musicians from across the globe stepping up as leaders to co-create the future we know is...
Anneloes Smitsman / EARTHwise Centre
Welcome to EARTHwise Centre Our Planetary Wisdom to Thrive & Flourish! Our mainstream educational, business, and governance systems do not...
Shelley Ostroff / 7 Days of Rest
Welcome to 7 Days of Rest & Reflection 2019! The first week of 2018 brought together individuals and groups from over 60 countries in...
Brett Almond / HolisticShop
A warm welcome to was launched by me, Brett Almond, in the year 2000. I was following a dream. I left full...
James George / If Not Now, When?
FACEBOOK A diplomat is a harmonizer, requiring skills of wisdom, compassion, insight and vision. When combined with empathy and a deep...
Paul Hellyer
This website was created to inform and educate visitors on the Honourable Paul T. Hellyer's writings and events.
Bernice Hill, PhD
Bernice H. Hill, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst, in private practice for over thirty years in Boulder Colorado. She is a member of the International...
Mystical Numerology / John Perhson
Mystical Numerology is a practical introduction to a new science of numbers which opens up new vistas and avenues of self-exploration and growth for...
Jeanne White Eagle
Dedicated to the dreamers and visionaries, to any one of you who has had a vision of a better world and has or is finding the courage to...
Barbara Marx Hubbard / Foundation for Conscious Evolution
“Everything you do counts forever. You are an expression of the whole process of creation; you are a cocreator." ...
FREE Research
FREE, the Foundation to Research into Extraterrestrial and Extaordinary Encounters, focuses upon the subject of “WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS” by...
ETLetsTalk / CE-5 Teams & Events
20,000 members in more than 100 countries invite you to join our CE-5 Teams and Monthly Events. Check us out - FREE Sign-up - CE5 Training Guides...
Waking Up: The Mind’s Eye
"The Wright Brothers couldn't have invented the airplane without having faith that humans could fly. To stop war we must first imagine peace. To...
Jeanne & John: Journey For the One
Jeanne White Eagle's (Pehrson) and John Pehrson's Journey for the One In this mind blowing interview, Jeanne describes how her life was changed when...
Eyes Open: Looking for the Twelve
“In Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve / Blueprint for a New World author Jeanne White Eagle depicts a vision for a world that works for everyone, a...
Mystical Numerology: The Creative Power of Sounds and Numbers
[break] [break]Mystical Numerology: The Creative Power of Sounds and Numbers is a practical introduction to a new science of numbers which opens up...
Grace – A Journey from Betrayal to Healing
GRACE -by Jeanne White Eagle Jeanne White Eagle’s book, Grace, is an exploration of the questions, “How is the horror of betrayal from those one has...
The Holomovement: Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity
The Holomovement: Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanityby Emanuel Kuntzelman (Editor), Jill Robinson (Editor), William Keepin...
A Greater Reality: The New Paradigm of Non-local Consciousness, the Paranormal and the Contact Modalities
A GREATER REALITY: The New Paradigm of Non-local Consciousness, the Paranormal and the Contact Modalities (3 book series)by Reinerio Hernandez...
Future Humans Trilogy
Future Humans Trilogy (2 book series)by Anneloes Smitsman (Author), Jean Houston (Author) The Quest of Rose is a Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus...
Intuitive Imagery, A Resource At Work
Intuitive Imagery puts the discoveries of modern science to work through a simple, proven technology to meet the challenges of our fast-paced...
Journey For the One by Monty Joynes
Journey For The One Journey For The One is a dramatic story that women will want to read and endorse, and that men will need to recognize and...
Our Moment of Choice by Evolutionary Leaders
This timely and compelling anthology is a rousing call-to-action for all of us to help transform the world into a just, peaceful, and thriving...
Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence (VOLUME ONE)
This 820 page book details the academic research findings of the world’s first comprehensive multi-language quantitative and qualitative 5 year academic research study on individuals that have had UFO related contact with Non Human Intelligence (NHI)– The FREE Experiencer Research Study.
Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired inventors and a mindful path to energy abundance
FREE THE ENERGY FOR A BETTER WORLD Hidden Energy readies you for humankind's next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the...
Intuition at Work: Pathways to Unlimited Possibilities
Intuition at Work, discusses the role of intuition in achieving success, and argues that companies should encourage creativity Purchase on Amazon...

CD “Between the Slices of Light”
CD “Between the Slices of Light” The sounds that you hear on this CD are spontaneous. They have been created in the moment and infused with the...

CD “For The One”
CD “For The One” This CD is the story of Creation. The beginning of everything. We didn’t really plan it that way. It just happened. As the sound...