Visionary & Founding Member

Jeanne White Eagle

Chief executive officer

Interstellar Community Foundation, Inc.

Chief executive officer

Jeanne White Eagle is a visionary, educator, author, and speaker. For more than 25 years, Jeanne has circled the globe with her husband John Pehrson, working as ambassadors for world peace. They began this mission by bringing their considerable conflict resolution skills to communities on nearly every continent, often in areas with deep political and social unrest, to help people from diverse cultures communicate in more caring and authentic ways.

Jeanne’s current passion involves manifesting a vision she received in a recurring dream that began when she was a teenager about the potential for humans to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. In the dream, Jeanne saw that this would not only play a key role in the survival of the planet but that it would also allow for healthy and open interaction with other life forms, both on and beyond Earth. Jeanne’s 2014 book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World, describes her vision in detail.

Along with the late NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Jeanne and her husband co-founded the Interstellar Community Foundation (ICF) to bring Jeanne’s  vision to fruition. Jeanne now works closely with likeminded scientists and mystics worldwide, sharing her powerful vision of the Interstellar Universities (ISUs) and surrounding Communities (Universe Cities).

Prior to their work with ICF, Jeanne, following her love for children and teens, cofounded the Up On the Mountain organization to help teens at risk. Also she, with the help of her husband, cofounded the For the One Organization, whose purpose was to help remove walls of separation and promote global healing. The couple led ceremonial singing dances and gave peace concerts focused on the power of sacred sound in the United States and Canada as well as in Germany, Norway, England, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Israel, Bosnia, Croatia, Egypt, South Africa, Bolivia, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.
A key element in each of these experiences was that all those gathered were invited to create a spontaneous song with no words, no thought, only the intention of Love. The result would inevitably be a combination of vowel sounds, key frequencies to all life. These songs were never scripted, yet each voice miraculously blended into a magical group sound with unique harmonies and vibrations that inspired a profound sense of oneness and created in-depth healing and awakening.

Jeanne began her career earning a degree in the performing arts, with additional studies in philosophy and education. She enjoyed a successful career as a professional classical singer with a nearly four-octave range. Among other accomplishments, Jeanne was a founding member of Cast C of the international musical known as Up With People. Jeanne also worked in the corporate sector for thirteen years, where she was honored with the Willis Harman Award by the World Business Academy, a non-profit business think tank that encourages corporations to take responsibility for the state and health of our planet. Jeanne is also a member of Evolutionary Leaders, a worldwide network of individuals who are committed to “collectively inspire, support and serve conscious evolution.”

In addition to writing “Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve”, Jeanne has also authored “Grace: A Journey from Betrayal to Healing” and coauthored “When the Canary Stops Singing: Women’s Perspectives on Transforming Business”, Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business.” and “Journey for the One”.

The Pehrsons are the subjects of the 2009 biography Journey for the One by Monty Joynes. Jeanne, who has Cherokee roots, was gifted with her unique name in 1996 by Native American mystic Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow).

Visit as well as the Jeanne White Eagle Facebook page for more information.

Interstellar Community Foundation, Inc.
Chief executive officer
Jeanne White Eagle is currently CEO of the Interstellar Community Foundation, an organization established for the purpose of creating a cradle to grave educational system that makes use of a specially designed campus and series of buildings surrounded by sustainable “communities of the future” for the purpose of maximizing and sustaining the highest human potential, and ultimately influencing the development of global culture.
Education includes
⦁ BA Degree in the Performing Arts, with studies also in Philosophy and Religion from Emory & Henry College, (1964).
⦁ Master’s studies in Education from Athens State University, (1969+)
⦁ Trained and Certified as Community Building Facilitator (Conflict Resolution), (1983)
Life, (Ongoing) Experience includes
⦁ Teacher > Created Music Program, Washington County Schools, VA, (1964+)
⦁ Founding member of the Up With People Organization, (1967+)
⦁ Former executive for the Tel-A-Train Corporation, an international training company based in Chattanooga, TN, for whom she worked 12 years, (1983)
⦁ Member of World Business Academy,-International Chapter Coordinator, (1986+)-Awarded Willis Harman Award, (1991)
⦁ Created Up On The Mountain, a non-profit organization to help guide and empower youth, Signal Mountain, TN, (1992+)
⦁ Ordained Minister and Director, Universal Brotherhood Movement, (1993 to present)
⦁ Vice-President of Creative Change Technologies, LLC, from 1993 – 1998, a sales training and management consulting company.
⦁ Visionary and Facilitator of International Experience in Conflict Resolution through Ceremonial Dancing–The For the One Dance taken Worldwide, (2003+)
⦁ CEO and co-founder For the One Organization, (2006+)
⦁ Created Open Heart Process, Conflict Resolution Process taken around
world. (2001 to Present) 1
⦁ Created Training Course for New Facilitators of Open Heart Process (2011
to Present)


Awards and other Accomplishments:

⦁ Willis Harman Award by World Business Academy, (1991)
Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business, (1995) (co-author, under name Jeanne Borei)
When the Canary Starts Singing, (1994),(co- author, under name Jeanne Borei)
Grace: A Journey from Betrayal to Healing, (2012) (under name Jeanne White Eagle)
Eyes Open: Looking for the Twelve, (2014) (under name Jeanne White Eagle)
A Biography, Journey for the One, author Monty Joynes, written about Jeanne and her husband John Pehrson, (2009)
In Conclusion

With her skills in deep Conflict Resolution techniques Jeanne has followed a vision that has taken her and her husband John Pehrson around the world, often into war zones and other areas of conflict, where they have been greeted as Ambassadors for Worldwide Peace. They have dedicated themselves to raising the level of awareness in the mass Consciousness. This includes creating a world in which people of all cultures can communicate in a caring and authentic way and where all life is honored and nurtured.
Jeanne’s focus is to open doors for humankind to evolve into a higher state of consciousness, and in this to create the possibility of healthy interaction with life both on and beyond our planet.
Studied Masters Courses In Education at Athens State University
Studied Performing Arts, Philosophy & Religion at Emory and Henry College
Download CV/Background





Available in SPANISH and Hebrew, too!






CD  “Between the Slices of Light”

The sounds that you hear on this CD are spontaneous.  They have been created in the moment and infused with the vibration of peace.  There are no words involved, but rather the fundamental sounds (ah, eh , ee, oh, oo) that, in one form or another , are found in all languages on the earth.  As these sounds are sung, they provide a magic carpet to the original vibration form which all creation comes.  It is from this place that we create peace…that we remember that we “are peace.” 


For more information contact Jeanne.


CD “For The One”

This CD is the story of Creation. The beginning of everything. We didn’t really plan it that way. It just happened.

As the sound began to come in spontaneous flow, we found ourselves traveling to the original vibration… The “Big V”…the place, the sound, the space from which all creation comes!! It is here that we began to experience ourselves as the hollow reed; “the hollow bone through which Spirit blows the breath of life”… It is here that one begins to remember that there is no separation…that we and all life are connected. “The time of separation is over.” 


For more information contact Jeanne.


DR. Edgar Mitchell

Founding Member

Jeanne White Eagle

Founding Member & Visionary

John B. Pehrson

Founding Member

Lawrence Bloom

Lawrence Bloom

Board Member


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Susan Manewich

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