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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 21 2023 - Jun 04 2023
- Time: All Day
Tapping into Your Inner Genius / May-Jun 2023 / Online
“Tapping into Your Inner Genius”
A 3-Session Interstellar University Workshop
Imagine . . .
. . . harnessing your intuition on demand.
. . . making faster, better decisions—and intuiting their outcomes.
. . . gaining deeper insights into who you really are.
In this 3-session, experiential workshop, join instructor John Pehrson to explore your own genius through its revealed imagery. Discover a greater sense of inner trust, certainty, and freedom in a rapidly changing world. Clear personal issues and improve your relationships; sharpen your natural extrasensory abilities; and align with your life purpose. Adults of all ages are welcome; no prior experience needed.
When: Sundays May 21, May 28, June 4: 12:00 noon–2:30 pm EDT
Where: Online via Zoom
Suggested Cost: $40/session, $120 total All materials are included in the cost.
Course Materials: A PDF of the text Intuitive Imagery: A Resource at Work by John Pehrson & Susan Mehrtens. Other materials are sent before each class.
TO REGISTER email: sue.baughws@gmail.com
Session 1: Solo practices Learn from your inner images how to choose between options or paths; how to gain answers to the questions you pose.
Session 2: Partner practices Work with a partner in class to explore your images and what they have to teach you.
Session 3: Deeper imagery practices Discover that when you change your images within, your outer world changes as well. Review what you have learned and deepen your insights and experiences.
Instructor bio: For the past 30 years, John B. Pehrson has been teaching Intuitive Imagery in many countries around the world. He received his BS in chemical engineering from Iowa State University and first used Intuitive Imagery as a tool in his corporate career. Over time, it became a powerful technique for discovering both his deeper life purpose and his life partner, Jeanne. Moved by Intuitive Imagery’s profound guidance and wisdom, John chose to leave the corporate world and began teaching others how to tap into their own inner genius.
Contact John: Jbpehrson@gmail.com