Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 25 2023
- Time: 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Power of Sound / A CoCreators Convergence Online Event / May 2023
“Power of Sound:
Raising the Vibration of the Mass Consciousness”
A CoCreators Convergence Online Event
When: May 25, 2023
Time: 5 PM PT / 6 PM MT / 7 PM CT / 8 PM ET
Where: Zoom ID 831 1463 7833
GUEST: Jeanne White Eagle
TOPIC: Power of Sound: Raising the Vibration of the Mass Consciousness
HOST: Lee Ann Fortunato Heltzel
TOPIC: Power of Sound: Raising the Vibration of the Mass Consciousness
HOST: Lee Ann Fortunato Heltzel
Mayan Elder Don Alejandro yelled out to a large audience years ago, “It’s time to WAKE UP. Our Earth is in trouble and is asking for help.” To quote former Canadian Ambassador James George, “The time for waffling is over.” We’ll delve into what this means and how together we can create a resonant field to embrace all life on Earth and beyond. During our time together we’ll explore the power of Spontaneous Singing and experience the healing impact it can have on both the individual and the collective whole of consciousness.