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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 19 - 21 2018
- Time: All Day
Open Heart Workshop / Nov 2018
A 3-day Experiential Workshop
Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO
Home of Barbara Marx Hubbard
November 19-21, 2018
Recommended for Participants of Emerging New Species Small Groups
The world is experiencing change and turmoil to a degree that appears to be unprecedented. As Barbara says, the current chaos represents a birth – the painful contractions that precede the birth of Homo Amore Universalis. Many of us who have been part of Barbara’s year-long Awaken the New Species in You Intensive, are already standing on the other side of the quantum shift. We, especially, need to adopt new skills in how we communicate with each other, and with others in our larger sphere of influence.
We are offering this three-day Open Heart Process Workshop to pass along the skills required for establishing and sustaining deep community. In essence, this is a workshop that takes the small group process begun during Barbara’s Intensive to a deeper level. In the words of Barbara Marx Hubbard, “This piece is vital to set the Field for Shared Contact which, in turn, is vital for our evolution.”
The Open Heart Workshop is a gentle yet intense experiential process that brings a higher level of awareness that enables participants to speak from the heart, remove buried hurts and anger, and learn how to resolve conflicts when they arise in the group. The process takes people out of their comfort zones, and is often cathartic and transformative in nature. Overall, the experience builds deep bonds of emotional and spiritual connectedness. It brings a realization that we are all deeply connected, and that we are much stronger and more creative together than we are apart.
If you choose to go through this profound experience, it will require full commitment, and some hard work. But it will be worth it. You will develop respect and compassion for people and ideas that you might have previously rejected – a critical skill to develop in the new times in which we live.
Participants will also acquire a set of skills that are transferable to daily life, including new communication skills and ways to deal with conflict, a deeper confidence and greater sense of authenticity, and a new kind of strength that grows out of a willingness to be vulnerable with others.
We have guided individuals and groups, children and adults, through the Open Heart Process from around the world who have had varying cultural history and backgrounds. What we bring to the table is the possibility of transformation and sustained peace, within oneself, within a community, within the world. Come join us November 19-21!
Love Fee: $150 / Room for 10 Participants / Scholarships are Available
For details CONTACT:
(+1) 336-269-4393
Loving Blessings,
Jeanne White Eagle and John Pehrson
(Visit us at www.jeannewhiteeagle.com)