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- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 11 - 15 2017
- Time: All Day
Eyes Open Gathering / June 2017 / Israel
JUNE 11-15, 2017
Come explore with us a global vision
one that empowers the Human Race
to move into a higher state of consciousness
preparing it to be a mature participant
in a healthy spacefaring community.
Curious? Read on…
Hi Everybody,
In January 2010, we created something we called the ARK, born of a dream to create a space where individuals of multi-cultures from around the world could come, and for 8 days create a “microcosm” of a world living in peace with itself… A world where individuals honored each other for their differences, authentically and with care… A world where humans take responsibility for the health of our planet, caring for and nurturing all life here.
It is no secret that the times we’re living in now are those that the Mayan and Hopi prophesies speak of, as well as legends and prophesies from many different cultures. Mayan Elders have told us that we are in the times where even the most unaware will become aware that something out of the “ordinary” is taking place.
So, what happens when “change” occurs, particularly at the depth we now find ourselves? Many people become fearful, rash, chaotic. And unfortunately, common byproducts of this kind of fear are violence, confusion, and spiraling chaos.
The concept of the ARK, then, was to provide a metaphoric and energetic vehicle within which we could safely place ourselves as we move through the Transformation that has been prophesied for centuries and that now is here. Its focus and purpose was not about some unreachable possibility, but instead was about taking charge of our individual lives and being clearly aware that the choices any one of us makes determines the direction in which the larger world will move. Willis Harman, noted scientist and futurist, said once, “If you don’t like the way the world is, change your mind.”
If you think this is at all possible, then where do we begin?? How do we begin?? Maybe we begin with each other, caring for and being kind to each other, being honest with each other and in integrity with ourselves, and always in a loving way, even when anger and differences emerge.
In late January and early February twenty-two brave souls from several countries met in Northern Germany for the first of the Eyes Open Gatherings to take place around the world. We gathered to pursue what might be possible for a world that seems to be presently spinning out of control. The insights and inspirations that resulted were profound. NOW we want to create a similar Gathering in ISRAEL.
We’ll explore the Eyes Open vision I (Jeanne) received in a recurring dream, had over a period of more than two decades, a dream that proposes the possibility for the higher development of humanity, its role in the survival and evolution of all life on Earth, and the eventual open communication and interaction with life beyond our planet.
From the ARK came the seeds that showed what might be possible. In the Eyes Open dream vision we’ve been given what Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, calls an actual “’How-to Blueprint’ to put us on the track toward achieving a higher stage of consciousness and evolution, ensuring the continued existence of life on Earth.”
Come explore with us, create with us, and together we will set into motion a dream for our world that has been a long time in coming.
[Note: To manifest the Eyes Open vision, Edgar Mitchell and others of us created the Interstellar Community Foundation. We encourage you to come and be a part of the dialogue that will determine what and how the new Foundation will move forward.]
If you haven’t already, you might want to read about the vision, described in Jeanne’s book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World.
It is available on Amazon.com, both as an E-book and print version. NOTE: We are asking all who choose to be a part of the upcoming Gathering to read this book. Consider it a kind of homework. It will provide a jumping off place for delving into the depth of the Eyes Open vision, allowing for a unified exploration to take place during our time together.
We do want to give a profound thank you to Haghit Rosenberg, Irit Barber, Anael Harpaz and Anati Zilberman and all others that are working with them to help create this important event. Their love and their effort are creating exactly what is needed for this upcoming adventure.
One last piece. Because of the nature of the Eyes Open Gathering, there is room for the first 25 persons who sign up. In other words, “first come, first served.” This is not an exclusive event, but it is one that is meant to provide an intimate environment where exploration into the impossible is able to occur within a safe space…much like a bear that moves into a cave in the winter, where it may dream and gather wisdom.
Below are details on logistics of the upcoming gathering. Please let us know if you have any questions.
This comes with much love from us both,
Jeanne and John
(Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson and John Pehrson)
BEGINS: Sunday, 9:00AM, JUNE 11
ENDS: Thursday, 5:00PM (17:00), JUNE 15
ISRAEL / Tabash, near Kiryat Tiv’on,
3) COST/DONATION: $650 USD or equivalent in your currency)
Please know that this fee is to minimally cover expenses, which includes food, accommodation, event materials, and other expenses.
Once you have said “yes,” for those coming in from other countries, it is important that you contact Haghit Rosenberg and Irit Barber as quickly as possible as they are making transportation arrangements (getting people to and from airports, train stations, etc.) They and their team will also be handling accommodation arrangements, so they too need to know when you are arriving. Email your information to: hagros@gmail.com and iritbarber@gmail.com.
Telephone numbers are: +972-(0)52-881-5150 / +972-(0)54-724-5458. Also, please copy to Jwhteeagle@aol.com .
- Writing Pad & Pen
- Eyes Open book (There will be a few at the Gathering for purchase.) *Again, we are asking ALL participants to have read this book. It will provide a springboard for all that will occur during our time together. It is available on Amazon.com in both digital and print form. Full title is: Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World.
- Give Away Gift (Something of meaning to you that you’re willing
to give away – can be an object as jewelry, a book, piece of
clothing, etc.) - Comfortable clothing. It will be Israel’s summer so expect high temperatures.
- Sleeping Bag. (Check with Haghit or Irit to see if needed.)
- Props for your talent show (if needed) Get ready! Everyone participates! Be prepared to laugh! )
- Open Mind and Willing Heart • A Sense of Humor!
- You, Yourself, fully present!
If you’re called to be here, come! We’ll be waiting with open arms!
Be ready for anything. You and we are mid-wives to something wonderful being born here! Exciting stuff!!