Jeanne & John


Jeanne & John

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 04 - 11 2023
  • Time: All Day




Feb 04 - 11 2023


All Day

Eyes Open Gathering / Feb 2023 / Germany


“Clearing the Hollow Bone”

An Open Heart Event for Planet Earth

InterStellarCommunityFoundation - learning how to evole, elevate our vibrationa and consciousness


On September 22 of 2022, the Secretary General of the United Nations, in his opening speech to the UN, gave a somber assessment of the state of our world. “Our world is in peril and paralyzed. We cannot go on like this.” In the immediate moment of hearing this it was crystal clear that it was time to do another Eyes Open Gathering.

We haven’t done such a gathering since 2020, as a global pandemic gave us all a chance to step back and reassess ourselves as individuals and as part of a larger human community.

What also has happened to many is awakening to the awareness of being part of a cosmic community. Of course, this has been going on for some time, but something has occurred that is bringing this fact into the consciousness of the masses. Why is this important?  Because “there is no separation.” What happens with one, affects us all. From a higher perspective, what occurs on planet Earth has repercussions in the larger Universe and beyond.

In February, together, we will go deeper into the Open Heart experience, exploring the importance of “clearing the hollow bone,” what this really means and how it can have a direct impact on helping a world in peril move through the chaos with love and clarity.

The added dimension of this particular Eyes Open Gathering is that we will consciously raise our collective energy as a group and connect with the multi-dimensional Beings who, for some time, have been making themselves known. In this space, we will go into communication with these Beings and engage in conversation.

When all is said and done, we hope to also receive insights on moving forward with the vision of the Interstellar Universities and the Universe City communities, called University and Interstellar Communication Centers (UICCs) in my book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World.  If you haven’t read it, I strongly suggest you do so before the February event. It is from this point of understanding that we will move forward as we create our time together.

Listening to the UN’s Secretary General speak about his perception of the state of our planet, I’m including this insight from Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who helped us put into place the Interstellar Community Foundation whose purpose is to manifest the Eyes Open vision, and who was the first to say that what I had seen was “a Blueprint, one to put humanity back on track toward achieving a higher stage of consciousness and evolution, ensuring the continued existence for life on Earth, and laying the groundwork for healthy and mature interaction with life beyond the Earth.”  ( See

Paul Hellyer said that what I had seen was “Hope.” “Clearing the Hollow Bone” is a strategic step into turning “hope” into a manifested reality of love for all on Earth and beyond. We hope you’ll join us in February to do just that.

One last note. As our time together is at the invitation of Frauke Sophia Peters and Marilynn Miller, we say with heartfelt gratitude, profuse THANK YOUS, Frauke Sophia, for giving us your love and your beautiful Neue Schule in which to have this important event! And thank you dearly also to you Marilynn for all that you do to make this event possible. And unlimited thank yous to you, Telse Mumm, for taking care of our comings and goings during our time together. Each of you are rare angels walking our Earth!!!

We have room for a maximum of 20 people, “first come, first served.” (This is not an exclusive event, but it is one that is meant to provide an intimate environment where exploration into the impossible is able to occur within a safe space.) Other details are below.

This invitation comes from both John Pehrson and me, with great love,

Jeanne White Eagle

Wasserkoog, Germany

BEGINS: Saturday, 6:00PM (1800), FEBRUARY 4th, 2023
ENDS:  Saturday, 12:00PM (noon), FEBRUARY 11th, 2023


3) COST/DONATION:  $740 USD (or equivalent in your currency)

(* For those of you staying extra days, before and after event, we are asking a minimum of     $15 USD a day for food.) Please know that this fee is to minimally cover expenses, which includes food, accommodation, event materials, and other expenses. NOTE: For any who are able to give more, that is welcomed, as this will help those who may need some assistance.  



Once you have said “yes,” it is important that you contact Telse Mumm as quickly as possible as she is making transportation arrangements (getting people to and from airports, train stations, etc.) **The HAMBURG AIRPORT is the airport you want to fly into if you are coming by air.

Here is a further note of clarification:

* A reminder that there is at least 2 hours from Hamburg to Wasserkoog.

* On the final day (Saturday the 11th) travel time might need to begin later in the afternoon following the meal (at 12:00 noon) for those who need to leave.

* Participants, if desired, may arrive a day or two early before February 4th and/or stay a day or two after February 11th. Frauke Sophia is very happy for this to happen!  She has reserved

Neue Schule from Feb.1st to Feb.14th. You just need to be clear on your arrival date and your departure date and get that information to Frauke Sophia and Telse.

* The 2 hours travel from airport to Wasserkoog is the minimum time.

* Telse wants the arrival and departure schedule coming to her. This allows for planning that works for her schedule.

**A photo of the ticket itinerary sent via WhatsApp or by email is her request.

NOTE: As always, Telse works her magic and at the same time, the tightness of schedules can become a point of stress.  The train schedule has changed a bit-a small challenge for those with early departure flights.

Frauke Sophia Peters and Marilynn Miller will be handling accommodation arrangements, so they too need to know when you are arriving.

Email your information to: and .

Telse’s telephone number is: +49-(1)60-9496-9333; Neue Schule’s is: +49-(0)4865-850. Also, please copy to .


Please let Frauke Sophia and Telse know if you have any Dietary restrictions and/or requirements. This is important in planning meals.


  • Writing Pad & Pen
  • Eyes Open book, if you have one, for reference (There will be a few at the Gathering for purchase.)
  • Give Away Gift(Something of meaning to you that you’re willing to give away – can be an object as jewelry, a book, piece of clothing, etc.)
  • Warm clothes for very cold temperatures
  • Props for a fun “talent show” (if needed) (Get ready! Everyone participates! Be prepared to laugh!)
  • Open Mind and Willing Heart
  • A Sense of Humor!
  • You, Yourself, fully present!

Just know, dear ones, that we’ll be waiting with open arms!

Be ready for anything. You and we are mid-wives to something wonderful being born here!  Exciting stuff!!