Jeanne & John


Jeanne & John

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 03 2019 - Oct 10 2019
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 8:00 am




Aug 03 2019 - Oct 10 2019


6:00 pm - 12:00 pm



Eyes Open Gathering / Aug 2019 / Sweden


Sponsored by

Interstellar Community Foundation


“What I believe I’ve been given is an actual way, a Blueprint, if you will, to get from Point A to Point B, from our present moment in time to the reality of a future that is healthy, caring and self-sustaining, a future where human beings are not only caring for each other and all life on Earth, but are able to interact with life beyond our planet in a good way.”

I know there are more of you out there. Perhaps thousands who have seen what I’ve seen. And now it’s time to, as Barbara Marx Hubbard says, “join genius.”

This coming August 7-14, we’re going to do just that. Join genius! For those of you have walked beside John Pehrson and me these past years, you are already aware that the vision I was given to put into place University/Interstellar Communications Centers (or Interstellar Universities) and surrounding communities on multiple points around the Earth, is an idea whose time has come. As someone recently shared, “It’s all in the timing…”

Eyes Open Gathering, Wasserkoog,Germany, 2017

Eyes Open Gathering, Wasserkoog,Germany, 2017

Some of you who will receive this letter remember the profound ideas that resulted from our gathering in Germany in January of 2017 and in New Mexico this past August, 2018. Since that time, there has been an abundance of information that has come through individuals from many different countries as to how to proceed. We have welcomed these ideas and find ourselves now at a place in space and time where it appears the Universe is ready to take our hands and leap to a higher level.

In the 2019 August Eyes Open Gathering, we are ready to hop onto the launch pad in a major way and we invite you to be part of this adventure. Indeed, we are counting on those of you who are called, to step forward and say YES, trusting that all the pieces necessary to help this happen will fall into place.

We will begin the 8-day experience with an experience we call the “Open Heart Process” to bring the group into a deep space where communication can be authentic, caring and creates a state of mind and heart where exploration into the Eyes Open vision can readily happen and where practical decisions in moving forward can be made.

The days that will follow will evolve organically as we each “join genius” with the others to see more clearly what is being born here. Your own skills, your own drive to make a difference in the world by raising the level of consciousness on this planet in whatever way you have been given to do so, are needed. We’re doing this together.

We’re excited, too, that this coming August we will be focusing on the subject of telepathy. From what we’ve learned, telepathic communication is key to interaction with most off-planet species and is an element within the human being that needs to be nurtured and honed as we move into the emerging reality of the new human.



For those of you receiving this letter who may not know of the vision’s detail, I ask you to read my book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World.

In fact, this is homework for any of you who are coming.

It is from this point of understanding that we will move forward as we create our time together.

Dr Edgar Mitchell

Dr Edgar Mitchell

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who helped us put into place the Interstellar Community Foundation whose purpose is to manifest the Eyes Open vision, was the first to say that what I had seen was a Blueprint… one to put humanity back on track toward achieving a higher stage of consciousness and evolution, ensuring the continued existence for life on Earth and laying the groundwork for healthy and mature interaction with life beyond the Earth.


John Pehrson & Jeanne White Eagle

John Pehrson & Jeanne White Eagle

If you’ve received this letter, listen carefully to see if you’re meant to be with us.

We have room for a maximum of 25 people, “first come, first served.”

(This is not an exclusive event, but it is one that is meant to provide an intimate environment where exploration into the impossible is able to occur within a safe space.) Other details are below.

This invitation comes from both John Pehrson and me, with great love,
Jeanne White Eagle




BEGINS: Saturday, 6:00PM(1800), AUGUST 3

ENDS:  Saturday, 12:00PM(1200),  AUGUST 10




$650 USD or equivalent in your currency)

(* For those of you staying extra days, before and after event, we are asking a minimum of $15 a day for lunch and dinner and $25 for the room) Please know that this fee is to minimally cover expenses, which includes food, accommodation, event materials, and other expenses.

Please NOTE: There are a few scholarships available.
For any who are able to give more, that is welcomed.


Once you have said “yes,” it is important that you contact Karin Fjällström as she is making transportation arrangements (getting people to and from airports, train stations, etc.) 

**The ARLANDA AIRPORT is the airport you want to fly into if you are coming by air.  


Email your information to – Also, please copy to 

Karin’s telephone number is: +46736152494.


⦁ Writing Pad & Pen/Pencil
⦁ Eyes Open book (There will be a few at the Gathering for purchase or get  your copy here)
⦁ Give Away Gift (Something of meaning to you that you’re willing to give away – can be an object as jewelry, a book, piece of clothing, etc.)
⦁ Warm clothes for cold evenings.
⦁ Props for your talent show (if needed)
(Get ready! Everyone participates! Be prepared to laugh!)

⦁ Open Mind and Willing Heart
⦁ A Sense of Humor!
⦁ You, Yourself, fully present!

If you’re called to be here, come! We’ll be waiting with open arms!

Be ready for anything. You and we are mid-wives to something wonderful being born here!  Exciting stuff!!