Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 15 - 18 2018
- Time: All Day
Celebrating Homo Universalis: Gathering of the New Species / Nov 2018
Sponsored by Barbara Marx Hubbard and Humanity’s Team
Celebration at Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO – Nov 15-18, 2018
Lodging: Included during event / Meals: Included during event (Reg, veg, Vegan, Other)
$487 * (see below)
Join visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard and Humanity’s Team as we experience our “collective next beginning” as a species.

Barbara Marx Hubbard
We are gathered here together as a deep communion of pioneering souls from every race, nation and religion who experience within ourselves the emergence of a Universal Human, aco-creator of new worlds.
— Barbara Marx Hubbard
This event, Sponsored by Barbara Marx Hubbard and Humanity’s Team, is a public celebration among self-selecting new humans who share an intention to pave the road of radical transformation: if our new capacities of high tech genius can be guided by spiritual and vocational evolutionary love, we have the beginnings of the new species. This new species leaders are emerging within and among millions on Earth who are joining to cocreate a new world, where humans reach an expression that accurately represents our immense potential.
We’ll be convening the “Awakening the New Species in You” yearlong experience and are so excited to initiate this seminal event!
The conference takes place at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, from November 15 to 18, 2018.
Check-in will be Thursday afternoon, November 15, from 2-6 p.m. or later if necessary.
On Thursday evening there will be a reception, a social gathering where we will introduce ourselves and give just a brief expression of what is most important to each of us as a member of the new species.
During registration – please let us know what you would most like to offer and gain at this first-time-ever event.
The event ends Sunday afternoon, November 18, at 3 p.m. You can stay an extra night on Sunday (with dinner included), or depart Sunday evening.
How do we identify this new species?
- Spiritually we are in deep attunement to the Impulse Evolution within ourselves, which is experienced as Sacred, Spirit, Divine Love, animating us to express more of who we truly are.
- Vocationally we are aroused! We are called to unique life purposes that are felt as the “inner eros of evolution” in our own unique ways, to be of service to the world. We are found in every field and function, often not fully aware of the magnitude of our collective newness, of evolutionary consciousness and new capacities so vital to human culture now.
- Socially we innovate and transform wherever we are, from simple functions to exalted creativity. We are almost never at the head of any existing entity yet we are creating newness in every function to accelerate the rate of change that is required.
- Scientifically and technologically, we are developing powers that we used to attribute only to mythological gods. We can build worlds. We can blow up worlds. We can create new bodies. We can destroy bodies at a scale never known before.
* Please Note: If you’ll be arriving before or staying after this event, you’ll need to make those arrangements separately with the Front Desk. Please call 1-877-786-0078 toll-free or (970) 679-4200.
Referral Source: Please select OTHER and then mention ICF – Thanks!