Lawrence Bloom

Lawrence Bloom

Lawrence Bloom Lawrence Bloom is currently Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Inter Governmental Organisation which advises, assists and enables in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on behalf those Countries with which it has...
Sixto Paz Wells

Sixto Paz Wells

Sixto Paz Wells Sixto Paz Wells   Sixto Paz Wells (Lima, Peru, December 12 1955) is an author and lecturer focused on the UFO phenomena, particularly alien contact, from a spiritual viewpoint. Known as the visible head of the Rahma Mission in Spain and a number...
ICF On Facebook

ICF On Facebook

ICF On Facebook We’ve just added a new FACEBOOK FEED page on the site so you don’t have to leave to get caught up on what’s happening on our FB Page! Go to our new page here: Facebook Feed  ...
Ken Hamilton / HOPE Healing

Ken Hamilton / HOPE Healing

Ken Hamilton / HOPE Healing H.O.P.E. Supportive Groups and Healing Circles A H.O.P.E. Group is a safe place in which we come together to find wellness by sharing our stories and listening with open hearts and minds to the other stories in the room. We have a simple...