Board Member

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Posthumous 1929-2019


Barbara Marx Hubbard was born in 1929 and passed on on April 10, 2019. She was a major originator of the new worldview of conscious evolution,  reaching thousands of students on the theme of a positive future and written 9 books on this theme.

She was co-innovator of the process called SYNCON leading toward a more synergistic democracy. In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for Vice President of the United States on the Democratic ticket proposing an “Office for the Future to scan for, map, connect snd communicate what is working in the world. She was founder and co/chair of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and co-chair of The Center for Integral Wisdom., teaching major new courses with Humanity’s Team based in Colorado.

In 2012 she co-initiated and was the spokesperson for Birth 2012, a global initiative with Shift Network to dramatize and connect what is working on the world. She was a founder and member of the Evolutionary Leaders, the World Future Society, AGNT, the Association for New Thought and Ervin Laszlo’s Club of Budapest.

She leaves 5 children, 10 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren.


Tribute to Barbara:

I remember the movie Gandhi and what Richard Attenborough said in the very beginning, that it is almost impossible to adequately detail the life of such a powerful soul in a movie. What they could do was be true to the “essence” of the man. I have read many of the comments made about our beloved Barbara since her passing and realize that there is no way to truthfully document the detail of her life in a brief tribute but I will do my best to be true to describing the essence of the woman who became one of our dearest friends and indeed a member of our family.


Barbara was formidable, passionate, and unswerving in her effort to get the “New Story” out to the masses. She, in her own way, was a genius. She had the extraordinary ability to speak of the deepest concepts known to humanity in such a way as to completely disarm a person who might otherwise find it challenging to explore “beyond the box” of one’s own beliefs. One of the ways she would do this is with that brilliant and contagious laugh of hers. She would make a statement of unlimited depth that would cause one’s mind to expand beyond familiar limits and before a person had time to realize what was happening, she would throw her head back and laugh. In this way, she created a safe space for a person to move into a higher frequency that allowed for more of the Universe’s wisdom to come pouring in.


When Barbara and I met, we recognized each other in an instant. Each of us having been given specific visions for helping humanity move fully into the reality of an emerging new species, she said that what I had seen was the next level of what she had been given. For years I have known that the vision I had been given of the Interstellar Universities and surrounding communities and the role they are meant to play in sustaining a higher level of consciousness allowing humanity to be a mature participant in a cosmic community, could not be fully realized and succeed unless the whole of the human consciousness shifted at a very fundamental level into a higher vibrational field. Barbara’s vision to create an environment where all of humanity could evolve and awaken to its becoming an “emerging new species” was the piece I intuited but had no idea how it would happen until she and I met two years ago.


Since that time, Barbara made several trips to our home to explore the depth of what we each had been given. It was during one of these frequent visits that she made the comment, “I have had many houses but I have never felt at home, until now.” What my husband John and I realized is that carrying visions of the size that she and I both were given, being the visionary can be a lonely road. The judgments and criticisms that come can be many but if one is carrying a true vision, as we both believed the other was doing, then there is no choice but to move forward and “keep on keeping on” as Edgar Mitchell shared at one point…doing it all with as much love as possible.


Barbara was in our home just before we took off for Peru, where we were when she passed. She had so wanted to be on this trip with us (John, Lawrence Bloom, Juan Carlos Kaiten and myself) as we were meeting with Sixto Paz Wells and one of her dearest heart’s desires was to make shared contact. We were in the desert the night before she passed and all of us were clear that she had somehow found a way to be with us after all. Her presence now is stronger than ever and I’ve no doubt that moving forward into the next steps of what we have been given to do will occur with great clarity and love. And I’m certain we’ll hear her laugh from time to time.


She is with us all now, able to guide and love each of us in whatever you and we have said yes to, as together we help humanity mature and move into the next and higher level of consciousness.


Thank you, Barbara. You gave all of us such amazing gifts. You are our dear and beloved friend.


– Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson

May 2019




Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Evolutionary Leaders

Interstellar Community Foundation (ICF)

American Visionary: The Story of Barbara Marx Hubbard

Announcing the global launch of American Visionary a full-length documentary about Barbara’s life’s work. The film explores how, together, we can achieve tasks that most people would say are impossible. This continues to inspire Barbara to ‘go the whole way’ in this lifetime!

Learn more, view the film or order the DVD here

10% of proceeds benefit The Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

Barbara Marx Hubbard YouTube Channel

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Barbara’s “Home Library” – Awaken the New Species

Barbara Marx Hubbard – Amazon Author Page

Barbara is the Author of:

  • The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey toward the Future
  • The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future
  • Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth
  • The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept
  • Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence
  • Evolutionary Synthesis: New Memes for the New Millennia
  • Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
  • 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution
  • Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution

Purchase on Amazon






DR. Edgar Mitchell

Founding Member

Jeanne White Eagle

Founding Member & Visionary

John B. Pehrson

Founding Member

Lawrence Bloom

Lawrence Bloom

Board Member


Barbara Marx Hubbard

Board Member (Posthumous)


Michael Tribe

Board Member

Juan Carlos Kaiten

Board Member

Susan Manewich

Board Member