Advisory Board
ICF Interstellar Community Foundation is proud to introduce you to our Advisory Boad. The depth and breath of personal and professional experience gathered to shepherd our vision to the world secures our success.

Irit Barber
Healing Therapist, Educator, Musician – using skills to bring cultures together to transcend differences, skilled in facilitation of international Conflict Resolution: Trained Facilitator of Open Heart work and a Chief of global ceremonial dance, For the One.

Sue Baugh
(Illinois, USA)
Writer and Author of sixteen books, most recent being Echoes of the Earth: Finding Ourselves in the Origins of the Planet, documenting the world’s oldest rock and mineral sites, the book itself coded with the power and wisdom of these ancient stones. Her lifelong exploration of our interdimensional human nature has led her to participate in the ICF mission.

Patricia (PaTi) Coleman
(North Carolina, USA)
Background in Nuclear Medicine, trained in international Conflict Resolution as Facilitator of the Open Heart work and has served as Chief for the international ceremonial dance – For The One.
Trained in Matrics Energetics; past Director of the Oklahoma School of Metaphysics; 30 years participation in Native American spirituality.

Stephen Dynako
(Indiana, USA)
Stephen Dynako is an advocate for conscious evolution and a strategic innovator with a deep background in finance, technology, education, and mass media. He is a Climate Finance & Risk Management Consultant with Raise Green, a crowdfunding platform for companies developing climate solutions.
In 2019, Stephen partnered with the late legendary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard to offer classes in conscious evolution. These would be Barbara’s final programs, making Stephen one of her last co-creators. Today, his work is fully devoted to making conscious evolution a mainstream practice.

Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel
(Pennsylvania, USA)
Lee Ann is an explorer of Human Potential, Death Doula, Multi-Dimensional Artist, and Marketing Innovator. Born a creative empath, Lee Ann is most comfortable unearthing her next grandest adventure exploring what is possible within the capabilities of human potential and integrating these qualities into practical applications.
Her signature MetaInsights provide a direct communication with higher frequencies whether it be one’s highest self or an organization’s ‘creation point’. Through her unique MetaArt and Ocular Meditation Lee Ann merges tangible cosmic frequencies in abstract paintings all here to serve the evolution of humanity.
Learn more at: https://www.leeannheltzel.com/

Hlin Hansen
Kindergarten Teacher, committed to empowering the children of Earth
and helping to create and develop the first Children’s Syllabus of the Interstellar Universities; is a Chief of the global For the One Ceremonial Dance, resolving differences and conflicts among individuals and communities.

Anael Harpaz
Peace Ambassador: Instrumental in healing between Palestinian and Israeli
teen girls, Co-Founder of Creativity for Peace, Director of Middle East Program, Compassionate
Dialogue Facilitator, Author of Billy Bully’s Wake Up Dream, published Poet, Founder of Dreaming Peace. Shamanic Rite of Passage facilitator.

Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez
(Florida, USA)
JD, MCP, PhD Candidate, New York, USA: Co-Founder of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation, Co-Author of “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence” (May 2019)
Co-Founder of the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute, CCRI.
Co-Author of “A Greater Reality: The New Paradigm of Non-Local Consciousness, the Paranormal and the Contact Modalities, Volumes 1-3” (April 2021).
Websites: Experiencer.Org and ConsciousnessAndContact.Org.
Email: Info@Experiencer.Org

Bernice Hill, Ph.D.
(Colorado, USA)
Jungian Analyst, retired from private practice in Boulder. CO.
She was a founding member of Boulderexo.com (a public forum for discussion of cosmic visitors) and author of the books: Cosmic Human Cosmic Intent. (2020) and Emergence of the Cosmic Psyche: UFOs/ETs from the Perspective of the Cosmic Psyche (2010).

Frauke Sophia Peters
Dedicated to bringing “light, beauty and love” into the world; Owner and Founder of Neue Schule Wasserkoog Germany; provided the first location to explore with multi-cultural groups, through the Eyes Open Gatherings, the Vision of the Interstellar Universities and Communities. Trained in international Conflict Resolution (Open Heart work and sacred ceremonial dance, For the One).

Haghit Rosenberg
Educator, Teacher, Political Advisor, Spiritual Consultant, Skilled in international Conflict Resolution: Trained Facilitator of Open Heart work and a Chief of global ceremonial dance, For The One; Founder of Second Thought – Center for Environmental Education.

Benoîte Schpilberg
Benoîte is a social activist, unschooling mother of two. She is passionate about a culture of cooperative interconnectedness. She believes in the untapped potential of conscious communication and conflict transformation. Weaving loving and mindful threads in the social fabric to foster a paradigm shift in education, parenting, relationships and communities.

Dr. Anneloes Smitsman
(Ph.D., LLM) is a visionary scientist, futurist, system architect, and global leadership catalyst. She is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, and co-author of the International Bestseller The Quest of Rose and Return of the Avatars, the first two books of the Future Humans Trilogy, with Dr. Jean Houston, and the author of the Bestseller Love Letters from Mother Earth: The Promise of a New Beginning, as well as many other publications. Website –

Shelley Tanenbaum, Psy.D
(Colorado, USA)
Clinical psychologist whose specialty is helping clients “undo” the barriers to experiencing their innate wholeness – body, mind and Soul; Created Intuitive Life Movement®, a relational practice of embodied, non-dual presence. Has
done post-doctoral research with Dr. John Mack, Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, explored the frontiers of human experience including extraterrestrial contact.

Jeff Vander Clute
(Hawaii, USA)
Jeff Vander Clute is an entrepreneur, consciousness coach, and transformation consultant, who has developed effective new approaches to conscious leadership. He guides retreats, workshops, and other transformational experiences for people who are ready to explore the depths of their real nature. Jeff co-founded Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions and Sourcing The Way. He is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders and the Association for Spiritual Integrity and serves on the board of directors for Alliance for the Earth and Garden of Light. He was previously the board chair of the Source of Synergy Foundation. Jeff graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Mathematics from Williams College.

Sixto Paz Wells
Internationally known author and Lecturer focused on the UFO Phenomena, particularly Extraterrestrial Contact from a spiritual viewpoint. Is Head of the Rahma Mission. Has written more than twenty books, most in Spanish and one in English- The Invitation which describes in detail the early years and beginning of his contact experience. He promotes a systematic method of physical and mental preparation for contact, as well as protocols for documenting, validating and confirming contact experiences.

Diane Marie Williams
(New York, USA)
Diane Marie Williams is the Founder and President of The Source of Synergy Foundation, a non-profit organization that creates opportunities for synergistic engagement among individuals, organizations, networks and communities so that together they can have a greater transformative effect on the whole.
Ms. Williams was the co-initiator with Deepak Chopra of one of its main projects, the Evolutionary Leaders Circle that aims to inspire, support and serve conscious evolution. In 2004 she initiated the formation of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns (CSVGC) at the United Nations in New York where she served as the first Chairperson. She also served as Co-Chair and Co-Founder of this committee at the United Nations in Geneva where it originated in 2002. She is currently a United Nations Representative for the Academy for Future Science.
Ms. Williams is Board Member of the Garden of Light, on the Board of Advisors of Humanity’s Team and an Advisory Board member of the Interstellar Community Foundation. She helps to facilitate the Evolutionary Leaders Contact and Conscious Evolution Synergy Circle and its Inner Focus Group. She is one of the contributing authors of the Gold Nautilus Award book: Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the future. She was the recipient of the Spirit of the United Nations Award, the Golden Rule Award, PEMAC Peace Award and has been acknowledged by the Emily Fund for a Better World as one of the Heroes for a Better World.

Honorable Paul Hellyer
(Canada / Posthumous)
Former Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada , engineer, politician, writer, and commentator, Founder of Canadian Bank Reformers, supporter of Full Disclosure, Author of several books including Light at the End of the Tunnel – Survival Plan for the Human Species, The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis and Liberation: The Economics of Hope.

Luz Shanti
(Pennsylvania, USA / Posthumous)
Luz Shanti, BS, MS, YT, RYT is a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Yoga Voice Practitioner and energy healer with over 25 years of experience in biological sciences, classical yoga studies, quantum physics and energy medicine. She uses her scientific education and knowledge of the 8 fold path of Yoga to identify the root causes of disease and to deliver a holistic yogic approach to health and healing. Her methods focused on improving the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of her clients. Luz also uses Yoga practices and energy medicine to teach parents and caregivers a new understanding of the autistic child in their life, creating hope and healing instead of frustration and struggle.